Liesa Bacchus (b. 1988) is a British painter of Indo-Caribbean heritage, whose parents hail from Trinidad and Guyana.

Liesa’s practice is an exploration of her dual identity, with her family and their history being the main source of inspiration for her paintings. She draws upon their lived experiences in the Caribbean and their subsequent move to England in the 1950’s and 1980’s.

Her work addresses themes of colonialism, ‘British-ness’, the Indo-Caribbean diaspora and the indigenous peoples of the lands her ancestors were displaced to through indentureship.

Although Liesa would primarily describe herself as a painter, drawing has continued to be fundamental to her practice, often describing this aspect of the creative process as being ‘the bones for the paintings’. A lot of this stems from the act of drawing as being a cathartic exercise for Liesa, where it gives her agency to re-evaluate and re-center herself as a painter.

Liesa pieces together, personal photographs and stories passed down from generations past with material sourced from documentaries and literature, resulting with each of these components serving as the foundation for the Art she creates.

Liesa is a member of Second Floor Studios, she lives and works in London.


Education: BA Hons Fine Art Painting, University of the Arts London 2010


Artist’s Responding To: Magazine Issue 12, October 2024-January 2025

Group Exhibitions:

SFSA Painting Open: No Format Gallery, 2024

Peanut Butter & Blueberries Art Exhibition: Kiln Theatre, 2024

Branches: Mile End Art Pavilion, 2024

SFSA Painting Open: No Format Gallery, 2023

Open Studio: Second Floor Studios, 2023

SFSA Drawing Open: No Format Gallery, 2023

Open Studio: Create Space London, 2019

Staff Art Show: Victoria and Albert Museum London, 2019

Salon des Refuses: Candid Arts Trust London, 2018

Chrysalis: Electric House London, 2013

Brent Art Fair: Willesden Green Gallery, 2012

Brent Salon des Arts: Brent Artists Resource London, 2012

Roy’s Salon Tea Party: Commune Gallery London, 2012

The Wall @ The Gallery London, 2012

The Exhibition in Print: Willesden Green Gallery London, 2012

Brent Art Fair: Willesden Green Gallery London,2011

The Spring Show: Brent Artists Resource London, 2011

Parallax Art Fair: La Galleria Pall Mall London, 2011

Outside The Box: Degree Show, Wimbledon College of Art London, 2010

Au Jour Dui, Wimbledon College of Art London, 2008

First Year Painters Foyer Show, Wimbledon College of Art London, 2007